
Friday, August 5, 2011

A Guide to Get the Best Sound From Your Computer Speakers

A computer is a wonderful tool and can provide hours of great entertainment. The sound quality your computer gives will be a big part in the experience you are getting from your computer. The computer speakers are very important for an all round enjoyable experience whether you are gaming or using your computer for something a bit more.

There are a few types of computer users and each one will want something different from the computer sound system.

Computers Walkthrough

The casual gamer is someone who loves to play games. They want excellent sound quality and excellent accuracy in the direction of sound as well as room shattering bass.

There are people who use their computers as a media centre. This group of people will want excellent sound quality and great depth, they won't necessarily want extremely strong, stomach churning bass, just enough to reproduce the experience of the cinema or nightclub.

Then there are people who use their computer for creating music. These creative minded people need to have excellent sound reproduction and an accurate representation of the sound that is displayed on the screen.

The first thing to take into account when trying to improve your sound quality is the positioning of your speakers. Your speakers should generally be as far apart as possible within the confines of your room. This will give your sound a better depth of sound and the Dolby systems will give a much greater accuracy in sound positioning. Take into account that your ears should be right in the middle of the speaker system. The distance between you and each speaker should be the same.

Your speakers will have a positive and a negative terminal. Although this will not be a problem if you are plugging directly into your sound card, if you are using a separate amplifier and speaker system you will need to match the polarity of the cable to the correct terminal on the amplifier. This is crucial if you are going to attain good frequency response from your system. A good indication of the polarity being wrong is that your system will have little or no bass. If one speaker is correct and one isn't the sound will cancel each other out and you will end up with no bass.

A good sound card can make your computer speaker system sound fantastic. Your sound card maybe an old model, maybe with 2.1 sounds. Upgrade your sound card to a newer model and you will instantly hear a massive difference in sound quality. Sound cards are cheap enough for anybodies pocket. Upgrade to at least a Dolby 5.1 system.

Most people never install third party software on their computers. Installing something such as win amp will give you much better control over the sound. You will be able to adjust everything about it. You will have a graphic equalizer and filters. You will be able to tune your sound output to your requirements. A third party add-on such as win amp is an invaluable tool that everyone should have.

A Guide to Get the Best Sound From Your Computer Speakers

Remember, the single best improvement you can make to your computers sound is to invest in a good set of computer speakers. Computer speaker systems vary massively but a new Dolby system will improve your computer sound quality dramatically.

Dolby is at the forefront of any new sound technology and if at all possible you should try and get a new Dolby speaker system, they usually include more speakers and have a much better, crisper sound quality.

If you don't fancy filling your house with even more wires and cabling then click here for information about wireless computer speakers.


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